Monday, September 24, 2012

Starting a Blog may be helpful...

Well, I have decided after watching way to much Julie & Julia, that I want to give this a shot. Although I have no set topic of conversation and would never consider cooking my way through a cookbook the typing to no one specific kind of intrigues me.
I was at work today thinking about my grandmothers. I consider myself very luck to have had 3. I was in a aisle of candles and smelled a True Rose Yankee Candle. I love the way smells reflect a memory. Can you think of  a smell that triggers a event in your life, a person, a place and then all the sudden your back there? One of mine is Roses. My Grandmother, whom I always lived far away from, called me RoseBud. Not sure why or how I got the nickname but the smell of a rose makes me physically miss her and the moments I wish we had spent together.
My Mimi and I share something that to me is so amazing and special, our name. My first name came from her. Although I learned as a adult she never liked her name. I loved mine solely because it was hers. She was a pretty great woman and I miss her more everyday. I opened a box today and inside was a cookbook that once belonged to her and she had written her name in it. As I brushed my hand over the spot where her pencil had once been, I became overwhelmed with a bittersweet feeling. I missed her so much and yet I had to thank God he took her. Cancer is a ugly thing. I can hear her if I try really hard and I just pray she cant see the mess Ive made of my life since she left. It's that song by Diamond Rio,"One more day". If you've never heard it, its about what you would  do with one more day with someone important to you. I couldnt even imagine how awesome that would be. I will say if I could have 1 more day with her, not sick, I would spend the whole day doing one thing.... LISTENING. Listening to every single word that came from her mouth and asking all the questions I could. Then I would beg for just 1 more day after that to do it all again.

Nina, goodness, where do you begin on Nina. Have you ever seen a matured woman think she was the queen of the show .... thats Nina. I miss her spirit.She sang, she danced and she told you how to do everything. She was beautiful and confident. I wish I had her genes. I probably would feel different about  making so many mistakes and living a million lives in 30 years. She taught me less is more with makeup and a smile is your best feature. And lets not forget I learned how to spell Mississippi for a spelling test thanks to her. Nina, I am sending you my best colored picture in the sky, because you wanted one even when I outgrew coloring. C U A round.

 I have witnessed things I never should have but Im strong because the women in my life have showed me how to be. None have showed me more then my Mom, but shes for another rant. This blog is a moment on my life for today.... Heres to the first